Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday Training Run...

It was hard! I have ran 4 miles before so I knew how it should feel. But I felt like I was running with just one and a half legs. I ran a super slow pace, felt like I was limping all the way through. The groin/glute pain was really bothering me. It wasn't very hot, but maybe I wasn't hydrated enough, either. I guess unless I drink a lot of water the night before, I'm just not going to be able to get enough in on the morning of the run. I had hoped to have a better time, since I was in for the virtual "Sweat Your Thorns Off 5K Race" by The Boring Runner. I finished the 4 miles at 45:30 so that put my 5k time at about 34:20. I stuck around for a double stretching circuit post race, though, and I seemed to get a little of the pain to subside. I felt like I had at least one and three quarters legs, and less limp, by the time I walked back to sign out of the training program.

After I signed out, I shopped a bit in Fleet Feet and couldn't resist this and this, then went to Costco and picked up a few necessities for the upcoming  4th of July holiday. By the time I got home, my leg was feeling considerably better. On Sunday, mMy Hubby and I spent the day out in the boat on a local lake. The day was perfect! Very little wind, clear cool water and it was warm, but not blazing hot. I spent most of the time swimming or floating in the water. I tried treading water to see how my leg felt and I had no pain at all, so I did a little mini workout and treaded water for about 15-20 minutes. I was able to do that several times. It felt so great, I really hated getting back in the boat, but I had to, because I was working on the tan a little, too.

Today my leg pain is barely there. I have a 3 mile easy run on the calendar today, so we'll see how it feels after that... hopefully I've worked through it and I won't have a problem with it anymore. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Living... and learning patience with all things.
Laughing... at the high's and low's running makes me feel.
Loving... spending "just the two of us" time with Hubby.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that you're pain is almost gone!!! Forget the race, THAT is something to be excited about.
