Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chico Ten Race Stats here...

I forgot to include my finish stats in my last post.  Since I don't keep a running journal, this is where I keep track of how I progress.  There were only 95 runners total, this is a fairly new race for our area.

66/95 Overall
25/51 Female
9/14   Age Group (my friend Leslie was 7/14 and Stormi was 8/14, within a few seconds of each other)

I'm actually looking forward to next year's races, where I will be at the bottom of the next age group and I won't have to compete with those 40 year old youngsters.

I have heard a lot of runners mention that it's common for long distance runners to lose their toe nails.  Well, I have a feeling I am about to enter that distinquished group.  I have one toenail on each foot that is turning black.  I am expecting to take off my shoe after each of my runs and be missing my nail.  I'm kinda disappointed because I was trying to be extra careful and keep my nails trimmed so this wouldn't happen.  I guess there will be no open toed heels for me this holiday season.

Once they are gone, it will confirm that I'm a "real" runner.  (Please don't judge my crooked, mis-shapen toes. Thank you.)


Living...  with all the weird aches, pains and abnormalities of a runner.
Laughing...  with my running buddies; they make training so much fun.
Loving...  feeling the pride of accomplishment when I look at my race results.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let's Catch Up...

I am going to try to make this a much more positive post than my last one.  After re-reading that post, I couldn't help but think "what a complainer!", but I was in the midst of my body rejecting all the extra miles I was logging.  We have come to some sort of a truce now, with just a bit of nagging after my runs from my hips and ankle; and occasionally, my lower back.

When I left off last time, I was heading to my doctor to check my ankle.  He decided I had some inflammation of the sheath that wraps around the tendon that runs from my calf to my foot.  No stress fracture!  He sent me to physical therapy where they did ultrasound and electrical stimulation therapy for a couple weeks.  They sent me home with elastic bands to use to strengthen my lower calf muscle. They also suggested using ice massage on it right after my runs.  Well, all that did the trick!  I still have a little tenderness, but it's all good now!

I also had an episode with a lower back muscle spasm a few weeks ago.  It was the Thursday morning before the Labor Day holiday. I bent over, reached into my freezer and pulled out my bag of blueberries and BAM!! I was stuck, pain and numbness all at once.  All I could do was drop to my hands and knees and crawl to the living room couch to pull myself up.  So many things were going through my head, like "what the heck are you thinking?!? You are too old to be doing this!!!" (running, not eating blueberries)   and how all my hard work so far had all just gone down the tubes.  I wanted to cry, but I tend to be a bit on the stubborn side, so I got mad instead and decided I was going to work this out.  I would just get myself to my chiropractor asap! Unfortunately, he was already gone for the weekend.  So, I had to wait to see him on the following Tuesday.  Needless to say, it was a crappy 3-day weekend.  I had to lay around all weekend and stare at all the things I had planned to do, namely paint the outside of my house. I wasn't able to go on my long training run that Saturday, the first one I have ever missed.  The adjustment on Tuesday made a huge difference and I have steadily gotten better.  I have kept running and my core workouts, but have been very careful to protect my back in everything!

On September 17th, I ran the Chico Ten to see how my training is going.  I can do the long distances and I can do the interval training, so I wanted to see how I could do putting them together.  I felt great that day, it really was a fun 10 mile race through Bidwell Park.  I ran with my two running buddies that I train with in the HM program.  We have the same pace that we are comfortable running.  We finished within seconds of each other. My time was 01:40:48.  I had a goal time in my head to come in under 01:45:00 and I did it!  It's great practice to see what works and what doesn't when it comes to fueling during the run.  This is me, Stormi and Leslie after the race and just before jumping in the icy waters of Chico Creek to soak our tired muscles.  It feels so good!  And quicker recovery, too.

I wanted to be sure and mention my shirt I bought from Beth at I love this shirt and was glad I wore it during this race.  The race is a benefit for the Chico State Cross Country Scholarship Program.  There were dozens of cross country volunteers out there at the water stations and on the course.  It was so fun to hear them shouting encouragement and "shut up and run!!" from the sidelines!!

I just made a couple new purchases that I'm excited about.  I have been looking for something to replace my water belt with, but haven't liked any of the belts with large bottles.  My belt has two 8 oz. containers and I can go through that in just a few miles, so I definitely need something with more water space, plus I want to be able to carry my fuel blocks and my cell phone.  I finally found the Camelbak FlashFlo! It has 1.5 liters of water storage, is a belt pack, not a back pack, and it fits so secure on the small of my back that I don't even know it's there. The water hose clips to my shirt, so it is super easy to get my drink without having to stop.  Plus I got a brand new one at a super great price on ebay.  And it's pink!! Love it!!

The other purchase is my new CW-X Pro Compression Tights!  Since I am still having a lot of tightness in my hips, I have been thinking about compression shorts or tights, and researching them online.  The CW-X brand seems to be highly recommended, and they carry them at my local Fleet Feet.  I tried on a pair after my 13 mile run last Saturday.  I could feel the muscle fatigue disappear the minute I had them on!  It was amazing!!  So I took those babies home with me right then!!  They were a little pricey, but I had a $25 discount at the store and I really have to do something about my hip tightness if I want to keep running longer miles.  I went with the full length tights for several reasons.  I wanted the extra support for my knee, which gives me a twinge now and then, and for extra calf support.  I don't have trouble there, but have noticed after my last long runs (over 10 miles) my calves are super tight.  I haven't run in them yet, but will this evening on our speed workout in the HM Training.  I can't wait to see how they work.  They are pretty cool looking too! (Although they really leave nothing to the imagination as far as what's underneath!)

Lastly, I want to say what a great long run I had last Saturday morning.  I got up at 5am (super dark thirty), showered (to get really awake), ate my oatmeal, filled all my water containers (including my new Camelbak that I added ice to), and I was out the door.  Got to the Fleet Feet store where we were starting from that morning and everything just felt good.  The route we were taking sounded complicated, since I'm not familiar with all the areas of Chico anymore, but it ended up mostly on city bike/walking trails that I never knew existed.  It was such a beautiful, long, slow run, out and back. 13 miles, 2 hours, 20 minutes, water stations set up along the way with NUUN and water.  Chatted with my friend, Leslie the whole way.  The miles fly by when we are talking (probably why we took a wrong turn on the way back).  It was one of those runs I will think of when I'm doubting why I run.

I found these this week.  Love them!  Will share them as much as I can.

I am totally relating to the one above, with 13 miles last Saturday and 14 miles coming up this Saturday!

I like this one when I am wondering why I am out running early in the morning when most sane people are still sleeping in their nice warm beds.

The last one will be my mantra from now on.  It is so true.  Every time I have had pain from one thing or another, I have kept going, and I have gotten better, stronger and more determined to reach my goal.

Promise to post more often!

Living...  my dream of setting what seems like an impossible goal and knowing I'm going to reach it!
Laughing...  at my whiney, "the sky is falling" self!
Loving...  hearing my daughter say "Mom, I'm so proud of you!"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where To Start...

Well it's been over a month since my last post.  I've been thinking why I couldn't get motivated to write something.  I always want to be positive in some way, even if it wasn't a great day, or a great run.  The last few weeks have been difficult for me.  I love running so much, but hurting each and every time I run has gotten me down. It's gotten to be something I don't look forward to any more, and I am skipping a running day here and there, which is not good, and certainly won't help with being sore after the run.

I can't say there haven't been any good runs, there have, but I have such pain and swelling in my ankle the next few days afterward, it makes me wonder, "Is it all worth it?"  In my heart I know it is, but my mind is beat from hurting all the time.

I had a good race day on August 7th.  The training program set us up perfectly for the 10K distance, plus I took a couple extra days off during the taper to let my ankle rest up.  I had energy left at the end of the race to kick up my speed a notch and I came in at 0:57:59! My goal was to finish under an hour. It's an automatic PB for me, it was my longest race ever!  I felt good after running, but by evening, my ankle was really hurting and swollen.  It put a damper on my high spirits for accomplishing something I never thought I could do... run for an hour. 

I was feeling determined to try for the longer distances after handling the 10K distance, so I signed up for the 12 week training program for a half marathon in November.  Crazy, but I am really hoping I can find a solution to the ankle problem.  My theory is that I have tight hip flexors, those are always sore (another problem area).  I have had the coaches in the training program help me with strength exercises and stretches targeting that area. I do those pretty regularly, but am finding little relief from those super tight muscles.  So, because my hip flexors are painful, I think I have a wierd foot strike to compensate for the hurting in my leg, which is then causing some unusual stress on my ankle.  This is just what I am assuming from how things have progressed.  I looked at the calendar today and it has been 4 weeks today since I first noticed the pain and swelling in my ankle, so I made an appointment with my doctor.  I didn't want to do that, because the last thing I want is to have him tell me I have to stop running.  I really only want an x-ray, to rule out a stress fracture.  I have worked my way up to doing more miles per week than I ever thought would be possible for me, and I don't want to lose the progress that I've made, even injured. 

So, we'll see what he says tomorrow.  Maybe he will have some new ideas.  I hope so, because I have 5 miles of speed work on the schedule tomorrow afternoon.

Living... with a pain, and the fear that it won't ever go away. No, not my Hubby. ;)
Laughing... with new friends that are joining me in the next stage of training.
Loving...  my family that is so supportive of my running, even though I'm hurting.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Still Training...

My runs have been getting a little bit better. Had the best one ever last Saturday morning. Our training group ran in the morning through Bidwell Park. They said it would be about 4 miles, but when we reached the half way turn around, the runners with Garmins had 2.4 miles.  I was feeling really good. I had started at the back of the pack, visiting with a new friend. As I warmed up I was feeling pretty good, so I upped my pace and got into a rhythm. I started passing other runners. It was supposed to be an easy run, but I didn't feel like I was pushing it, just running comfortable. At the turn around, I was running with the front pack of 6 runners. As we headed back, I felt like I could run all day. I passed them and kept going. I wanted to see how good I could feel running almost 5 miles. This was my longest run ever and it was a great boost to my confidence. I am feeling like the 10k coming up in 4 weeks will be no problem. I CAN DO IT! I know I can now.

Tonight is another training run.  It is about 105 degrees outside right now. Been drinking diluted, decaf iced tea all day. Got my electrolyte enhanced water to go with me, I think I'll do fine this evening. The core training that I have been doing on the days I don't run is definitely making a difference. I see more toned muscles in my arms, abs and legs. I feel stronger, too... and that's the best part!


Living... trying to balance family time with my running and workout schedule.
Laughing... at the sheer joy my grand kids have learning to swim at the city pool.
Loving... having greater confidence in myself and my body.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday Training Run...

It was hard! I have ran 4 miles before so I knew how it should feel. But I felt like I was running with just one and a half legs. I ran a super slow pace, felt like I was limping all the way through. The groin/glute pain was really bothering me. It wasn't very hot, but maybe I wasn't hydrated enough, either. I guess unless I drink a lot of water the night before, I'm just not going to be able to get enough in on the morning of the run. I had hoped to have a better time, since I was in for the virtual "Sweat Your Thorns Off 5K Race" by The Boring Runner. I finished the 4 miles at 45:30 so that put my 5k time at about 34:20. I stuck around for a double stretching circuit post race, though, and I seemed to get a little of the pain to subside. I felt like I had at least one and three quarters legs, and less limp, by the time I walked back to sign out of the training program.

After I signed out, I shopped a bit in Fleet Feet and couldn't resist this and this, then went to Costco and picked up a few necessities for the upcoming  4th of July holiday. By the time I got home, my leg was feeling considerably better. On Sunday, mMy Hubby and I spent the day out in the boat on a local lake. The day was perfect! Very little wind, clear cool water and it was warm, but not blazing hot. I spent most of the time swimming or floating in the water. I tried treading water to see how my leg felt and I had no pain at all, so I did a little mini workout and treaded water for about 15-20 minutes. I was able to do that several times. It felt so great, I really hated getting back in the boat, but I had to, because I was working on the tan a little, too.

Today my leg pain is barely there. I have a 3 mile easy run on the calendar today, so we'll see how it feels after that... hopefully I've worked through it and I won't have a problem with it anymore. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Living... and learning patience with all things.
Laughing... at the high's and low's running makes me feel.
Loving... spending "just the two of us" time with Hubby.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Runninghood: The Handful Bra Giveaway!

I'm posting this because I am hoping to win this bra in Runninghoods giveaway, but if I don't, it is going to be on my list next time I go shopping! It looks perfect for me. I have never found a sports bra that is comfortable for running. Either too short, too "smashy", too loose, too hot, too something! Thanks to Amanda at Runninghood for posting about this comfy looking sports bra. Go to her site and check it out!

Runninghood: The Handful Bra Giveaway!: "It's Friday! The sun is shining (finally)! And I have a fantastic giveaway to kick off the last weekend in June! Yes, that's right Running..."

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not Serious... And I'm So Happy!

My 10K Training workshop was awesome yesterday! As soon as I got there, I talked with Susan, from Fleet Feet (she is the training coordinator) about the groin/quad pain I have been having and that I had no idea what to do about it. She was concerned and said she would work with me during warm-ups to do some stretching to target that area. I was hesitant to start warm-ups, but it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. The stretches she had me do before the run helped tremendously.

The temperature was easily at or over 100 degrees and we were running along the creek in the park, so the humidity was high. I was sweating buckets even before I got started on the run. We did four 1 mile circuits, given the high temps. We were encouraged to stop and get water or use the restroom at the end of each mile, if we felt the need. They didn't want anyone getting sick by over doing it.

At first, I could feel myself favoring the sore leg, but as I warmed up, I got a nice even stride, and was surprised as the pain faded away. Susan came up to run with me and my running partner. She gave me some pointers on my stride that may be contributing to put too much stress on my groin, glutes and quads. Evidently, I have too much "spring" in my step and my strides are too long. She said to try to shorten my stride, don't bounce so much, and take more steps in a minute. We counted my steps in 30 seconds and I am taking only 65-70. She said I should try for 85 to 90. I noticed a difference when I shortened up the steps, and I was able to keep the same running pace. She helped me with some new stretches in the post run to release those tight muscles. When I left, I had no pain at all, and I ran the whole 4 miles with my partner, except for about 30 seconds when we stopped for water. I met a great running buddy yesterday, too. It's not always easy to find someone who is comfortable running the exact same pace as you. I left training yesterday with an adrenalin high. I was so happy that I felt good and didn't hurt. Oh yeah, and I am loving my NUUN tablets! I have such a quick recovery using the supplemented water, it is amazing! No weakness or cramping at all.

I got up this morning and did a quick jog around our yard and then did a complete set of the stretches Susan showed me yesterday. I feel just a twinge of soreness, but nothing like I experienced earlier this week. I have my core workout on my schedule today, so no running, but lots of ab work and upper body strengthening. I'll probably finish up with a few miles on the bike, just to get some cardio work in, too. I'll be ending it with my "life saving" stretches.


Living... with so much more optimism than I started the week with.
Laughing...  at what I didn't know I didn't know... again!
Loving... having my daughter and her husband in California for the summer!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Injury... Or Not?

I am still contending with this nagging groin pain, and it's messin' with my head! I don't know whether to keep going, or just take a few days off.  I'm worried because I'm in the middle of a 10k Training program and have scheduled miles to get in during the week. So far, I have stayed on schedule. But I am paying for it in pain level now. If I can barely walk on one leg, I'm thinking I probably shouldn't run. I am going to go ahead and go to my training workshop this evening, but not sure that I'll run. There are 3.5 miles on the chart today. Coincidentally, there will be a physical therapist giving an Injury Management presentation before our workout. Perfect timing! I am going to find out exactly what I should and should not be doing to get this pain worked out.  Since I'm new to running, I have no idea if I have a serious injury... or just a mild strain. Everything I read says use R-I-C-E.  Rest, ok I can do that. Ice, did that, very carefully. Compression, how? Elevate, are you serious?!

I ran 3 miles at the gym on Monday and 1 mile last night, just to see how it felt. Not good!  I have made such great progress on endurance during my runs, I'm scared to loose that.  Cardio-wise, I feel like I can run longer than the distances I have been running, but I feel like my legs are failing me.

Looking forward to getting some answers tonight!


Living... with frustration, confusion and pain.
Laughing... at a groin injury? Really? Seriously?
Loving...  how I still feel the need to run, because I just love it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

In a Funk...

I'm not sure why I'm not feeling like my energetic self right now. I suspect it is a combination of several things happening at the same time. I'm just not 100% physically, and that makes me not 100% mentally.  Last week I had a twinge of groin pain after a core workout, then I ran 2.5 miles Friday as part of the 10k Training program. Yes, then it became more than a twinge. It hurt! I did the new stretches I learned in the training program, and it helped. Saturday was an early morning training run. We had to meet at the park at 7am, which meant I had to be out of the house by 6am, which meant I had to be up by at least 5:15 am, and I am NOT a morning person! I never run in the morning, unless it's a race day. My hubby went with me to go on his own run through the park while I ran with my training group. My groin was tender when I got up, but I thought the scheduled easy 3.5 mile run might be just the thing to get it loosened up. During the run it felt fine, a little tight and tender after, but I spent plenty of time on post run stretching. I thought it would be ok. It got worse as the day went on. I was feeling exhausted from the early run and painful groin, so I took a nap, hoping I would feel better. Woke up sluggish and just not myself. Sunday... still not feeling very good. I was frustrated because I don't want to get behind in my 10k training, I need to keep my miles up, so taking time off running is not what I want to do. It was extremely windy and hot on Sunday, which always makes me out of sorts. And I didn't get to see my dad on Father's Day. I called, but he wasn't home, so I could only leave a message. I also quit taking my allergy medication this weekend, so I have had headaches off and on, too. All this creates a perfect storm for a funk to brew!

My training schedule has 13 miles on it this week, so I am tossing out any negativity right now! I'm going out to do my 3 mile run in a few minutes and I'm going to feel great! I am going to set up a Pilate's session this week and do a duet with my daughter. It was her idea, and it couldn't come at a better time. My youngest daughter will be arriving from Utah tomorrow, and I can't wait to see her! I have so many things to be excited about, sometimes I just need a reminder. Sure, I have a bunch of stuff at home that is not going exactly as planned, and I have been disappointed that things aren't perfect, but I have decided that I am perfectly happy with what IS going as planned!

This is going to be a great week!


Living... one day at a time. Patience, Shelly, patience!
Laughing... at the pure honesty that comes from my grand kids mouths.
Loving... sharing my frustrations, and realizing things are not as bad as I imagine them to be.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good People... and One Dumb Guy...

I went to my first 10K Training run last night, not knowing what to expect. I really like the instructor/mentors and the other runners. I didn't know anyone there and even though most people were there with a friend or two, I didn't feel out of place or unwelcome. I chatted with a couple women around my age and they were very friendly.  Most gals who had gone through this training before had a handheld water bottle, so one of the staff at Fleet Feet (the owners organize the training programs), helped me find one in the store to buy and talked to me about NUUN tablets, which I knew nothing about. So I got the berry and lemon tea flavor nuun to try out during that training run because it was hot, like about 80 degrees hot at 6:30 in the evening. I got my nuun water all set up in my new water bottle and then the group set out. All 120 of us! We were separated into two groups, the one I am in is for runners wanting to work on extending mileage, starting out at 3 miles, and will be at 6.5 miles at end of training. The other group is starting at 4 miles and going to 10, I think, and they are working on increasing speed.

We walked from the downtown store to the park entrance where we run (the advanced group ran to the park). We started with some plyometric (sp?) exercises. The trainers don't like to use stretches prior to running, but do lots of stretching post-run. Then, because of the heat, we set out for an easy run to get initial times for our own easy pace, which we will use throughout our training. My first mile was 10:00 right on the nose. I felt ok running the first 1.5 miles, except that I had prepped by drinking a lot of water all day, knowing it was going to be hot, so it was a good thing there was a restroom at the 1.5 mile turnaround! After that turnaround, I felt really good and finished up with a 31:05, which included the bathroom break. I loved the nuun, but got tired of holding the water bottle towards the end of the run. It was nice to be able to sip water when I wanted to, instead of trying to gulp a bunch when it's available at water stops (I choke every time, I'm not very coordinated).

So, the park was busy, with lots of people coming to run, bike, walk their dogs, cool off in the creek, etc.  When we were about 1/4 mile from our turn around, we could hear a guy yelling "NO! NO! NO!" up ahead. As we rounded the corner, two very large dogs came running up out of the creek onto the trail and headed straight to two dogs that were on leashes held by two young women. The dogs came up all macho and aggressive. The girls were doing their best to keep their dogs calm and not let the situation turn into a fight. The dumb guy the dogs belonged to had no control over them at all, they completely ignored him. Everyone was telling him to grab his dogs, but he kept trying to call them to him. He was finally able to grab the collars and haul the dogs back down to the creek. What a scary experience for the two gals, who were being responsible and had complete control over their dogs, and for everyone else there. Irresponsible dog owners are beyond irritating to me. I have dogs. I love dogs. I am a dog person, but in a park area like that, you have to leash your dogs! These dogs were completely untrained and out of control. That is just unnecessarily dangerous! After the turnaround on the way back, we passed him again. The dogs were in the creek, snarling and growling with each other as this guy just sat there and watched them. It was play fighting, but extremely aggressive. As I got down the trail a bit, a girl was running with a little Jack Russel terrier on a leash and she was headed their way. I had to stop her and warn her of the idiot with his aggressive dogs on the loose. That's how one stupid person can wreck an enjoyable, relaxing evening run for a bunch of people. Jumping off my soapbox now. ;)

I can't wait for my next training run Saturday morning! My hubby is going to bring his bike and ride in the park  while I get my training run in. He is sticking to get-back-into-shape goal. Yay for you, hubby!!


Living...  with goals to improve my strength and running distance.
Laughing...  at myself when I get nervous about being with people who love running as much as I do.
Loving...  the way my body feels after a good, sweaty run.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On Motivation...

I have thinking a lot about motivation lately, and recognizing when something inspires or motivates me. 

These are some of the things I've noticed that keep me going, and get me up off the couch.

* Feeling (and seeing) muscles where once there were none.
* Seeing my daughter and hubby start running, because I am.
* When someone new at the gym asks if I just ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill and says they're inspired.
* Hearing my hubby say "Wow, I'm impressed!" when we run together.
* Reading blogs by runners. They are truly inspirational in their commitment to running.
* Looking back to February when I COULD NOT RUN more than .25 miles on the treadmill.
* Imagining myself running the half marathon that is on my calendar in November.

I start my 10K Training tonight as part of a team.  This is a first for me.  I have never been part of a team (except track for one year in high school), so I am hoping to be inspired and motivated by others on this training team.  Anything I have done has always been just me out there wingin' it and seeing what happens.  I think that this will give me the confidence to start trying longer runs.  Having someone there who has done it a million times to help me learn what I'm supposed to know will be worth the time and travel it's going to take for me to participate in the training.  I'm excited, and nervous.  I'm so new to the whole running scene. I don't know the lingo, don't know things that are obvious to the seasoned runners. I just want to learn and run smart. So, I'm just going to try and learn as much as I can... then share as much as I can remember with my hubby, who is just starting to get his run on!


Living... in constant admiration of the committed, seasoned runners out there!
Laughing... at all the things I don't know that I don't know.
Loving...  the support my family gives me for my (almost) obsessive interest in running.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Family Event

Saturday's Fish & Game Academy 5K was so much fun! My hubby, our daughter and her 6 year old son all ran too. I got my PR I was hoping for! 28:05! I cut a minute off, and I'm thankful for every second. At least this time, I got my timer on my watch started pretty close to the race start time, so I was able to keep track of my mile split times. I felt pretty good after I got warmed up. The first 3/4 mile always seems hardest for me, but then I get everything in sync after that and I'm in the "running mode".  I don't think my body still believes that I want it to run, but then it gives in and cooperates when it realizes I'm not stopping. Funny! I didn't have the queasy tummy this time, either, so it's just whole grain toast and a little coffee for breakfast on race day. There was a tri-tip BBQ and raffle after the run, but we had our own picnic lunch. My hubby did win a nice pocketknife in the raffle.

My grandson and daughter did great! My daughter stayed with him the whole time and told him to go as fast or as slow, as he wanted, and he could stop and walk if he needed to. Well, he ran the whole race and sprinted the last hundred yards or so and left Mom way behind! He came across the finish with the biggest grin somewhere around 36:00-37:00! Talk about a kid proud of himself! His dad was there waiting with his little sister. He got the "high fives" and "good jobs" from the other runners there, too.  My only complaint at this race was that they didn't do a final times or placement list. They gave away some prizes for the top 10 finishers overall, which were almost all academy cadets, but nothing in age groups or mens and womens winners.

It was also our Granddaughter's 4th birthday Saturday. We stayed in the park and played, ate lunch and had cupcakes. She is such a sweetie! She loves the kids playground in this park. She is brave enough now to go down the BIG slide! I'm so glad we were able to spend the day together.

Today is our Grandson's last T-Ball game.  I don't want to miss it, so I'll just head over to the gym for my workout after the game.  Today I have a 2-2.5 mile run and my Monday core workout scheduled. I am combining two different training programs. I want to keep up my core training, since I think I'm starting to feel the results of that, but I also need to work in the 10K Training program. Wednesday is the first training day and we are going for a run and they want participants to get in a couple miles on Monday. I am looking forward to the training this week!


Living...  what looks like a very busy running schedule this week.
Laughing... at the pure, simple happiness children express.
Loving...  my grand kiddos like I never thought possible.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Shopping is Over, Now Back To My Routine

I had a great time with my daughter and grand kiddo's last night. We picked out some super cute photographs of my grandson, then hit up Costco for a few things. I didn't think I needed anything there, but of course, I did not leave empty handed, although it was just 3 things.  And my daughter stuck to her list, no impulse purchases!  I'm proud of her, she has less will power than me for shiny, sparkly, glittery (and yummy)!

We went to Target for a couple of things for Granddaughter's birthday tomorrow.  I didn't find the Tangled toy I was looking for, so I'll have to try somewhere else before tomorrow afternoon.  But I did find a couple new things for running. They had some very comfy looking running shirts, so I got a couple of those and I got a running skirt/skort. They always look great on the gals I've seen using them. I also got a pair of nylon shorts. It's funny, they remind me of the shorts I used to wear in the 70's! So now I have something decent to wear in my 10k Training Program when it starts next week.  Since I only started running in February, all I have are warm, winter type long leggings.  It's pretty normal to have temperatures in the 80's, 90's and even over 100 degrees is common where I live, so cool clothes are going to be a must for me.

I have the Fish and Game 5K tomorrow.  I'm going to try for a PR on this one. My last 5K was 5 weeks ago and I got a 29:03, which was my best ever 5K. But my last race 4 weeks ago was a 4 Miler and I got a 36:19, so I think my pace time is getting better. I just hope I don't have any tummy issues tomorrow. I haven't found the perfect breakfast yet that doesn't make me nauseous at some point during my run. I know most people prefer a little peanut butter and honey on a bagel. I like peanut butter, but my tummy doesn't. Even if I'm not running, it gives me heartburn and I am burping it all day. I can't imagine running like that. I bought some almond butter (thanks, Costco) to try. It tastes very similar, it will be good on some whole grain toast with honey. I hope it works!!

My hubby, my daughter and my 6 year old Grandson will be running this one too. I'm so happy to see them running. Hubby used to be an incredible long distance runner back in the day.  After the race, we are picnicking in the park to celebrate Granddaughter's 4th Birthday.

Heading out now for my Friday Core training.  Look out, abs! 
Looking forward to a great weekend,

Living...  this new running lifestyle.
Laughing...  at how much my Grand kids remind me of their mom when she was their age.
Loving...  filling my weekends with family!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Skip a Day... or Two

Wednesday was supposed to be my core training program, but I skipped it.  I got a Cortisone shot in my shoulder yesterday afternoon and I had to get ice on it right after work.  It was sore and achy, and I knew if I abused it with a workout, I would pay for it today. So, I iced it every hour for 20 minutes until I went to bed. I did get some of my tomatoes planted between icing. My tomatoes are going to be very late this year, my whole garden, in fact, but that's a whole 'nother story. Since I did as my doctor instructed and iced, it feels pretty good today. Maybe a little weak, but not sore.

Today is a running day for me, but I'm skipping that one too. I'm going shopping with my daughter after work. Saturday is my granddaughter's 4th birthday, and I have to get my hands on some "Tangled" merchandise! She loved the movie and thinks she is a princess, so this is a must have situation! We're also going to pick out pictures of my 6 years old grandson that were taken a few weeks back with a rodeo/cowboy theme. He was dressed in his cowboy best with chaps, spurs, boots, hat, etc.  Can't wait to see how they turned out!

Surprisingly, I don't feel guilty over missing these two scheduled training days. Usually, I really beat myself up over missing a day, but I know I have some serious "real" training that is starting next week, so I'm letting myself off the hook a bit. I signed up for a 10k training program that starts next Wednesday evening. I have to drive 30 miles to get to where the training is, but it is a highly recommended program (and there's no such thing in my little Podunk town). I will be training for the "Summer Sizzler 10k" that will be August 7th. The name is appropriate, since it easily gets over 100 degrees in August in our valley. I get to enter the race as part of the training team and learn from the experts on how to keep hydrated and fueled on a longer run in the heat. I'll also be working on extending my runs out to longer distances. I loved on the info sheet I just got today that they sometimes take a dip in the river (creek, really) after the long training runs. Sounds like a great group of people and I think it will be fun.  Real training!! I can't wait! Since I started running in February, it's just been by the seat of my pants. I read a lot of the runners blogs for tips and that has been a tremendous help, but learning from someone I can ask a question face to face will be nice. Now if my body will just hold up.


Living... as a Grandma hoping to set a healthy example for my grand kids.
Laughing... at my training schedule. Don't think I've experienced real training... yet!
Loving...  my skip day spent with my grand kids!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Feel Progress...

I went to the gym last night after my grandson's t-ball game, even though I really felt like going home and snuggling up in a blanket. Our weather has been unseasonably cold here and yesterday afternoon was no exception. But, I would have let myself down and I thought I'm only cheating myself out of time at the gym. I got through my Monday Core training circuit in about 45 minutes. I have no rest periods between each exercise, so it's a good cardio workout too. The main thing I notice today is that I don't have the burning abs and painful quads that made me think I had made a mistake in cross training. The worst is usually my abs. I do approximately 100-200 reps of about 8-9 different ab crunches in each of the programs. I feel a real difference in my abs today. They are tight, but not painful and I feel no pain in my quads... and I can feel a muscle in there now!

It surprises me that I have been running since February, and yet, not be "in shape". I am beginning to realize that the core strength I am building now is going to help my running capability. Today is a running day for me at the gym, so I'm anxious to see how my abs feel while running.

One thing I am feeling proud of is how my interest in running and building a healthier body has rubbed off on my family. When I first started in February, I enlisted my oldest daughter as been my running buddy. She has two young kiddos and is a stay-at-home-mom. I thought it would be good for her to get out of the house without (and sometimes with) the kids. She has encouraged her six year old son to run with her occasionally and now he wants to run in the 5K race with us this weekend! My hubby has also jumped into the healthier living mode with us. He's going to run the 5K too, and is thinking of ways to work more exercise and better food choices into his day. It makes me happy to think I have made an impression on my family and have set a good example for my daughters and grand kids to lead healthy lives. You can't ask for much more than that.


Living... a healthy life for all to see.
Laughing... at my core training schedule, I'm not afraid of crunches anymore!
Loving... hearing my hubby say "Wow! I'm impressed!" after our run together.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

Since I couldn't make it to the gym on Friday to do my core workout, I planned to go to the gym first thing in the morning on Saturday. I would have the rest of the day to do all the other things I had planned for my Saturday. But it was not to be. Saturday morning, my cat was obviously having a problem with her eye, so it was off to the vet to have that taken care of, and drop a measly $170. Ouch! So, I thought I could still fit the workout in when I got back. We have had a ton of unseasonal rain here and my hubby was going stir crazy in the house, so, instead of my workout, we went to the local car show (in the rain), had some lunch, then rented a movie. I was still hoping to get some exercise in and the evening was beautiful, so we went on a hike up the creek behind our house. It was the perfect solution! The grass was tall and wet, we hiked through the thick brush around the creek, so it was a good workout. The wildlife was out and active after the rain and we were able to see deer, turkeys and quail.

On Sunday I had planned to do a short run down our country road, but I got more than I planned. My hubby was in exercise mode after getting out for the hike on Saturday. Even though we had rain again Sunday morning, we put our bikes in the truck and headed to the park where we usually run the 5K races. There are miles and miles of bike and walking trails there. The rain dried up by the time we got there, it was perfect running weather, so we ran the 5K loop. He wanted to see how he would feel running a 5k, since we are running one next weekend. He did great for not training at all. I got a 8:55 mile! That was the only mile I timed because I was chatting with hubby when we started and forgot to start my timer. But I felt good afterward, so I was happy. I really want to get a better "official" time next weekend.

After the run, we hopped on the bikes and took off. What a relaxing, beautiful day it was! We stopped along the way and ate our lunch by the creek, then continued our way up the park into the rocky foothills of the valley. There weren't a lot of people in the park, probably because of the rainy weather, so we had the trails to ourselves most of the time. I guess it must have been about a 12-15 mile round trip, some of it through the muddy, rocky trails of the upper park. It was a great workout. I forget how much I love riding the bike, gotta make plans to do it more. As we loaded up the bikes, we both agreed an ice cream was in order before he headed home. 

All in all, I couldn't have planned a better weekend. I'm so glad we sometimes just go with what we feel like doing and not stick to the "plan"!


Living... with appreciation of the beautiful, natural countryside where I live.
Laughing... with my hubby recalling some of our younger days.
Loving ... spending time with my favorite guy and making new memories. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

So far, so good

I was able to make it to the gym and get my run in.  Felt pretty good, but my quads are pretty sore from my strength training. Glad I have today off to give them a rest.  I was able to do 3 miles at 9:13 pace the whole way on the treadmill. I missed my yoga stretch this morning, just not enough time to do that and straighten up the house before I had to leave for work. I really have to try to get that stretch in. I think it would help loosen up my quads.

My day is shaping up to be a busy one tomorrow.  I hope I am still able to stay on schedule and get my Friday core training in on Saturday. Wish there were more days in a weekend!


Living... thinking of all the graduates out there and what adventures in life are ahead of them.
Laughing... at myself. Lighten up Shelly, don't obsess!
Loving... my family. Can't wait to see them at my little cousin's graduation tonight.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Here we go...!

Today is my very first blog post and I'm going to try to post regularly to keep track of my running/workout schedule.  Hopefully, I will see some progress as I work toward my goal of a half marathon in November.

Yesterday was back to the gym after 4 days off for the Memorial Weekend.  I could have run at home over the weekend, but the weather has been uncooperative, and I am a fair weather runner.  My Wednesday program of strength/core training took about 45 minutes. It kicks my butt, I couldn't finish the last ab set of "window wipers" and "declining russian twists".  Then I ran 1 mile at 9:13 and was done. Tired out.  I definitely do better with consistant daily training.

Today no core training, just a nice easy run.  I want to do 3.5 miles at my 9:15 pace.  Time is factor today too, since I have a lot to do at home after the gym.  No work out tomorrow because we are going to my little cousin's high school graduation. She is so cute, and seems just like yesterday she was a baby!  I will do my Friday core training on Saturday.  There, I wrote it down, so now I have to do it!! It's hard for me to go to the gym on a weekend.  There is so much I feel like I need to do at home, instead.

The plan for the coming week is a short run on Sunday in my neighborhood, Monday core training, Tuesday is my 3.5 run, Wednesday is core training, Thursday is easy run/walk for 30 minutes, Friday easy on the core training, then my 5K race is Saturday! Can't wait to see if I can get a better time than my last 5K, since I have started my core/strength training. That's my plan, let's see how I do!